Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Here is an example of a Foreclosure Concern Troll response left in the comments section of a San Francisco Weekly Foreclosure story.

Here is a classic example of a Subprime Mortgage Foreclosure Concern Troll comment from the comments section of a Foreclosure article in the San Francisco Weekly. See if you can spot the bullshit.  

"I bought a house with a interest only ARM, There was no bait and switch. I knew exactly what I was getting into. I read the paperwork, I knew the risks. Is it partially the banks fault....for sure.
 They know the risks for the people taking out the loans and shame on them for creating such products as interest only ARMs and the like. But shame on the people taking out the loans for not understanding what they were getting into.  
I was fortunate enough to sell my home before it lost value and before I started paying the principal. I had I stayed in that area longer, I would have been screwed. It would have been my own fault for putting myself in the situation.  Live and learn and I won't by another home until I can put a good amount down and get a standard loan. 
Further, I have no animosity towards my neighbor. I'm just tired of people not taking responsibility for their own actions. I got a degree in Sanskrit and I can't find a job.....someone else's fault.  I had to compete with the Jones' and max out my credit cards, took out a home loan I couldn't afford and lived outside of my means.........not my fault. Its the American way. Which of course detracts from those who REALLY are in need."
In case you did not spot the concern troll bullshit, it basically comes down to this, "It's me, not the banks, the bankers, or wall street that did wrong". And the comment was left by "anonymouse" (yes, spelled with the word mouse.

I suggest studying the tone of the concern troll method, Barack Obama's side used concern troll tactics in 2008 to try and quell Hillary Clinton supporters.

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